Sunday, August 18, 2024

Clash of the wardrobes-Doug Funnie Vs. Seth Brundle

I've made some comparisons between DOUG FUNNIE's vs. Seth Brundle's wardrobe in the past.

I feel I need to elaborate more on that a little.

If you remember my Late December 2023 post I did about CARTOON WARDROBES, then you'll know that many a cartoon or anime character is bound to have a wardrobe of clothes that won't change no matter what.

I also mentioned in that post that Live-Action films and Real-Life is exempt from the identical wardrobe problem because we don't have identical outfits like you see in animation.

But there is a Live-Action film that sort of subverts that.... and one that's about to turn 40 in 2026.

That film I'm talking about is THE FLY.

This 1986 film is David Cronenberg's crowning achievement in 1980s filmmaking. 

Pretty sly for a film that's a remake of a 1958 Film, also titled THE FLY.

But the 1986 film is more remembered by most people, especially my generation because unlike the 1958 original, which was released during the height of the HAYS CODE, the 1986 remake is free from all the censorship problems and can allow for the more graphic gore to permeate the film.

That and it has JEFF FREAKIN GOLDBLUM in it.
Every movie is better with Jeff Goldblum in it.

But now it's not the time to talk about the graphic PLASTIC, SILCONE gore made by Chris Walas.... or about the best actor of the 80s or 90s.

What I'm talking about is Seth Brundle's Wardrobe.

In the film, Seth is being asked by Veronica on why his wardrobe is so identical.

The answer according to him is "I GOT THE IDEA FROM ALBERT EINSTEIN."

While Einstein sure as hell didn't really have identical sets of clothes in real life, my guess is Brundle was just looking for an excuse to be lazy so he doesn't have to focus his menial mental thinking on what shirt, jacket, pants, or loafers to wear.

Doug Funnie's wardrobe on the other hand is a different story.

I don't the whole backstory on why JIM JINKINS chose to have Doug wear a white shirt underneath a green sweeter vest, Khaki shorts, and red shoes.

Frankly, he just wanted something recognizable for his character.

But then Nickelodeon broadcast the episode DOUG EN VOGUE on November 7 1993.

It's a rather hilarious but classic episode from the Nick era where Doug's friends decide to dress like him,

Much to his chagrin,

so then he proceeded to reveal his wardrobe of identical outfits.

When Disney bought Jumbo Pictures in 1996 and made their version of DOUG, the art department redesigned his outfit.... sort of.

Aside from a flatter scalp, and different voice due to Billy West's departure over a salary dispute with Michael Eisner, Doug now wore longer sleeves, his sweater vest's collar was simplified, and his khaki shorts had longer sleeves.

Here he is from the BRAND SPANKING NEW Intro showing off his updated outfit.
All without saying a word...

But even in the original Nickelodeon version, Doug still wore pants during the Winter in tandem with his standard outfit.

And here are some photos from Nickelodeon's 1993 Christmas episode where he does were pants instead of shorts. Makes sense since it's winter in this episode.

"Thanks mom, dad. But Porkchop is my dog, and best friend. 
I believe I should save him myself."

But back to Doug's outfit, You might think Doug finally changed his shoes when he moved to the Mouse House. But in my opinion, those are the exact same shoes from his SLIME FACTORY days. Just that the Red has now faded into grey.

Fierce Dedication to his shoes?

I guess he really took Sky Davis' 1991 advice about childhood shoe preservation really seriously.

"Yes, I convinced Doug to keep his shoes even when he changed Networks."

But regardless, Doug still likes to keep his wardrobe identical no matter what Network you're with or whether you're inspired by celebrities.

And my guess is during Doug's early childhood in BLOATSBURG, VIRGINIA, he probably saw THE FLY with his sister Judy so maybe he might have been inspired by actor Jeff Goldblum.... who knows.

But then again, both series depict his sister JUDY as being absolutely picky about what she watches on TV, Cinemas, etc. which has resulted in fights with Doug over what to watch. So I highly doubt they both watched THE FLY in Cinemas or VHS together in 1986.
Just don't introduce Judy Funnie to SIDESHOW BOB from THE SIMPSONS.....

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