Friday, April 19, 2024

My first Published Comics.

I haven't posted as much of my original drawings from High School on this blog. I really should do that. You may never know what I unearth.

Believe it or not, I actually did create my own comics that were actually published in my high school's magazine.

I've done so for 9th Grade, 10th Grade, and 12th Grade.

Here's the first done in 2013.

This was back when Marylandia was originally referred to Teenage Owns. And also when I drew like Matt Groening.

Here's the next one made in 2014.

Starting to see the Anime aesthetic here. 

But would be several Months before I fully transition my art skills to the Maverick Style.

And my final one published in 2016.

However, I did not like the formatting the school did for this particular comic. They cut out some bits and pieces of panels and it often interfered with some of my drawings.

But notice how my drawings were starting to evolve into the present style that I draw?

This is why practice makes perfect for your wrists when drawing your characters. You'll never know when that wrist is suddenly going to allow you to finally do that amazing artpiece you call your MAGNUM OPUS.

Amazing how I could take my drawings from those above, 

and churn out something like this below
Believe me, this is not the last of my old high school drawings that I have. I've got a lot of them both original drawings and photos I've stored in my external hard drives but that will have to wait until dig deeper into my archive of drawings I've held on to over the years.

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