Friday, December 08, 2023

Nagatoro's Skin tooth - Even Nagatoro is a fan of Chuck Jones

Have you noticed when you see a drawing of a cute anime character, they sometimes are drawn with a cute little fangs?

"Hey Guess what Senpai! Our mangaka Artist was inspired by Chuck Jones!"

Dammit Nagatoro-Chan, I told you not to hi-jack my mechanical Keyboard... 

Anyway, what Nagatoro was saying is that I've seen many photos of anime/manga girls with fangs but Nagatoro takes the cake for sometimes having this thing called the skin tooth.
What's that you say?

The skin tooth is a design thing where a cartoon character's teeth doesn't get outlines that separate the tooth and lips and then gets colored the same paint or color hexadecimal as the skin tone. 

This actually dates back to the days when Chuck Jones dominated the Looney Tunes which was from the mid-40s to the early 60s.
My guess is that many an artist back in the good old days may have had their share of skin tooth but Chuck Jones sort of patented it. 

However, I think the skin tooth is outlawed in Western Animation because to many an on-model obsessed cartoon fan, the skin tooth looks ugly and not suitable for characters whether heroic or villainous.

But Chuck Jones' skin tooth lives on in the Japanese side of art:

OK OK. So maybe the skintooth was only accidental but I've seen so many artwork of cute anime girls with fangs for teeth. I know I have them somewhere on my phone but browsing my phone's photo storage is an absolutely stressful. The best I've found are all Hayase Nagatoro so that's why this post is dedicated to the character.

Here are some other instances of Nagatoro's trademark Skin Tooth

Believe it or not, I can hear Kimberly Ann Campbell's voice in these photos pulled from my iPhone.
Erik Kimerer's performace for Naoto is.... spot on. In my head, I always picture having him speak with a voice similar to Billy West's Fry voice. 

Naoto is no Fry and Erik Kimerer is no Billy West but the casting is pretty spot on.

Honestly, I haven't watch the series in full, just a few clips but hey, the show is available on Crunchyroll and may be of the best modern day anime of the 2020s.

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