Back in March 2024, I teased a hypothetical TV pitch for OMAHA the cat Dancer.
I also stated that I would refuse to allow OMAHA be puppet-rigged.
I haven't done a lot of drawings of the characters for my pitch concept due to my job at the Café, PC upgrade, and changing rooms in my basement suit, etc.
It's really been eating up my schedule than it should be doing.
But nonetheless, nobody has touched the "OMAHA THE CAT DANCER" I.P yet so I guess I'll show off a few of my own concept drawings to show my enthusiasm.
Here's a drawing of Chuck Katt I've done.
Alongside some other drawings of these other characters.
It's been a TRIAL AND ERROR journey trying to do these designs right. In fact, here's one of the first drawings I've done of both Chuck and Omaha shown below and to say they don't look like the characters in the actual comic is sort of an understatement.
I tried real hard to make the characters avoid that Puppet-Rigged mandated crap but I ended up using my own art style.
Anyway, I wasn't happy with my first design attempt shown above because I have a fierce belief that redesigning existing characters just to fit into the TV cartoon atmosphere is a big no-no regardless of whether you refuse puppet rigs or forcing the characters into a CG world.
Not just for me but for other cartoon fans out there.
For Example: I've seen several posts and memes on Facebook about people heavily criticizing TEEN TITANS GO, Be Cool Scooby-Doo, the 2016 version of Ben 10, and the new NINJA TURTLES Nicktoon for redesigning characters just to cater to the newer generations.
Well screw that!!! But at the same time, I did not want the OMAHA characters to use my art style even if I want to keep the show STRICTLY HAND-DRAWN, frame-by-frame.....
So before my second attempt on drawing the characters, I saved a Bookmark of the OMAHA Comics from ARCHIVE.ORG as well as saved the Comics as PDFs that I stored on both my D Drive Samsung SSD as well as my 18TB WD easystore External Hard Drive so I can study the drawings, and try to work out a way to design the characters as close as possible to REED WALLER's designs.
Keep in mind that the original OMAHA comics are NSFW so I had to cherry pick my screenshots to be more age appropriate but still be considered TV-MA for my tastes.
And in case you're wondering, No I'm not using ADOBE ACROBAT to view the PDFs of the comics despite paying for the ALL-APP Creative Cloud plan.
ACROBAT's caused some conflicts with my PC's Crash Dump folder as well as my AVG ANTIVIRUS so I relegated my PDF Viewings to GOOGLE CHROME.
It's not elegant but at least it's less of a hassle than Acrobat would ever be.
If anybody knows of a better alternative to ACROBAT that doesn't balloon my CRASHDUMP Folder, let me know.
Otherwise, I'll have to concede....
Anyway, with that taken care of, here's another reason for me being interested in pitching an adaptation of OMAHA THE CAT DANCER:
A WAY TO SATIRIZE!!!!...... that's it.
Remember FRITZ THE CAT from 1972?
Well, that was Ralph Bakshi's way to satirize life in the 60s.
It was also his way to vent his extreme frustration with the way ANIMATION in AMERICA was refusing to grow up with the older crowd:
The year was 1968, the HAYS CODE was completely dissolved
and in it's place is the MPAA Rating system.
This allowed stuff such as Extreme, Brutal, Mutilating violence as well as strong coarse language and all the sex and nudity as well as the narcotic abuse that was all forbidden by the HAYS OFFICE...
But it was only LIVE-ACTION films that were allowed that kind of treatment.
According to executives, religious fundamentalists, and parents:
This fundamentalism scared the bejesus out of certain executives to the point where the execs take existing I.P such as Popeye and Tom & Jerry and rewrite them from the slapstick characters we know and love and turn them into puppets for saccharine pieces of shit on TV.
But there was nothing that artists or writers could do about that.RALPH BAKSHI didn't want to work in that environment but at the same time, he was passionate about the animation business so he went against all odds to allow FRITZ THE CAT to be made as the X-Rated gem it is to this day.
To quote Ralph Bakshi in 1971:
"The idea of grown men in cardigan sweaters drawing butterflies floating over a field of flowers while American planes are dropping bombs in Vietnam and children are marching across the streets is LUDICROUS!!!."
Yeah I know how you feel Ralph.... I'd go MAD if I experienced that first hand and the only cartoons I could see being churned out is FAT ALBERT, 70s TOM & JERRY, or other 70s cartoons who's potential was shat on by both executives and moral guardians.
And for one, I'm starting to see that in my own eyes as of 2025 but in a different perspective.
Anyway, back to OMAHA..... the comics that is.
I noticed that some of the drawings are rather crude.... as in they can often go frequently Off-Model when compared to how the characters look from the Front covers to the promotional artwork.
Yes I know the term OFF-MODEL is a major berserk button for some animation fans but I do applaud Off-Model because it allows for more fluidity for the character construction as well as to allow the characters to emote with Extreme depth....
I bet you the art being this off-model at points really does give us some deja-vu on how most comics actually start out in the very beginning artistic wise.
For example, in the First Asterix Comic: ASTERIX THE GAUL, the characters had a more angular and rougher appearance to their anatomy.
But after several albums later, the final designs were fleshed out.So using the examples of the OMAHA scans I've got on INTERNET ARCHIVE, I studied the drawings and facial features of characters. By sticking to Waller's Cover designs of the characters where they look much less loose, sort of dissimilar to their designs on the Front Cover of the comics.
The Problem with this first example I drew was that I drew both Omaha and Chuck using the dog nose design philosophy mixed with my art style was pushed into these characters which is weird because the two are cats.
For those who are curious what DOG NOSE is, it's a philosophy on cartoon animal design where to make a supposed animal character look less human but still keep his/her anatomy without heavily redesigning them, just add a black or dark grey horizontal ellipse or upside down triangle and call it a day.
I did a post about it back in Mid-May 2024 so if you want an in depth know-all about what the heck DOG NOSE is about, here's the link to that post:
One example shown below are ANGEL AND OMAR from Nelvana's ROCK AND RULE from 1983.
Fine for characters created specifically for that respective universe but I bet once OMAHA gets picked up as a tv show or AMAZON ORIGINAL, the executives are going to push for celebrity appearances. I'm not sure if I want to go that route. I mean, would I really want to have a celebrity with dog nose applied to their facial design?
Just take a look at MOK shown below. His design screams MICK JAGGER but his facial design is hampered by the dog nose design. It's just looks so weird because it's just MICK JAGGER. Even though Mick did not provide MOK's voice. That was done by Don Francks.
I admit, Not perfect but close enough to Reed Waller's art style.
But I also decided to add my own touches without resorting to my own art style.
For example, in the original comics, The anthropomorphic animals are drawn with four fingers.
I've read that it's due to the fact that mammals have 4 toe balls on each paw.
Four Fingered hands are actually my berserk button because it's seen as lazy in terms of hand and finger design.
Plus, four fingers is considered a sin in Japanese design. Did you know that Four Fingers is outlawed in Japanese animation because it draws unfortunate implications to things like:
the number four being a translation of death,
And last but not least, THE YAKUZA.
So considering I plan to outsource OMAHA's animation to a Japanese animation house such as either SCIENCE SARU or MAPPA so I can avoid Puppet-Rig mandates, I also need to respect the Japanese by avoiding any mentions of the Burakumin Meat packing subclass as well as not be in cahoots with the Yakuza or the Shinigami, so Five Fingers on each hand is a must.
If Jim Jenkin's DOUG (Both Nickelodeon and Disney) can give all 5 fingers on each hand for their characters....
But how do you do 5 fingers on Animal Paws?
I know this by experience from clipping Miso the Feline's claws.
Of course, the Cat population in OMAHA THE CAT DANCER never use their claws for self defense so the claws don't show up even if Chuck gets into a fist fight with Jack the cat.
I will not write any plots involving DECLAWING the paws of the characters.... just don't make me.
Also, You'll notice on animals that they have Pads on their paws
"Can I haz photo of my footpads please?"
but in the world of OMAHA, none of the characters have footpads on their hands or feet due to their humanized anatomy.
So footpads are out of the question.
Also in the first attempted drawing above, I tried to have the cat characters have a sense of realism in terms of the feet.
As seen below, this is how a Cat's leg looks according to skeletal studies and body mechanics.
The feet on the characters of OMAHA THE CAT DANCER however are drawn as if Mr. Waller had surgically grafted some human feet on to animals.
You'll also notice the black outline on the lips of many an animal in real life.
Aside from THE LION KING,
and BOOBOO RUNS WILD,many artists who draw animals, especially those who draw FURRIES avoid the black lip outline since it makes the animals look feral.
I guess the characters of OMAHA THE CAT DANCER will also avoid the lip outline as to avoid any portrayals of feral instincts.
But I want to realistically portraying the cat fangs as realistic as possible by keeping them inside the mouth so I guess no Chuck Jones' Patented Skin Tooth for Omaha, Chuck, Shelly, etc.
While for animals, it's essential to retain the tail, I'm not sure if I want to retain the tail as seen in earlier concept artwork I've done. Especially if overlapping action and follow through is a must.
Reed Waller managed to keep the tails on his cat characters such as with Chuck Katt shown below....
But can you imagine having to animate tails?It's one thing to have the tail animated in animation but it's a bugger, especially with all those deadlines involved so I guess that tail may need to be culled from the drawing board...
We'll see.
We all love to dress up our cats in costumes so they look cute,
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