Tuesday, February 11, 2025

NEW! COKE-How Coca-Cola's 1985 Formula Change Failure can teach us about the dangers of tampering with established I.P

In 1985, The Coca-Cola Company announced a formula change for their flagship Soft Drink after years of falling sales due to Pepsi gaining momentum during the 80s.

After the  April 23 1985 release, Backlash occurred.

And it was not only from the public or Pepsi Co. but there was also backlash internally within Coca-Cola too.

So after that infamous launch, Coca-Cola announced they were reintroducing the formula that made their company famous and they regained all the momentum they lost during the beginning of the 80s.

But that wasn't enough to kill off New! COKE.

In 1990, New! COKE was brought back under a new title called COKE II but that didn't last long due to PEPSI lowering their prices and the fact that the drink was made available only in SPOKANE, WASHINGTON.

COKE II would eventually be discontinued in July 2002.

Until STRANGER THINGS temporarily brought it back in conjunction with the show's 3rd season being released at the time.


What does the failure of NEW! COKE have to do with this post?

It's a metaphor and according to WIKIPEDIA, an influential Cautionary tale against tampering with an established successful brand.



I feel I should have the right to make this post and reference the NEW COKE controversy because If you seen the memes, you'll know what I'm talking about.

There's this meme where the person is glad we grew up with an earlier version of the cartoon and not the modern reboot we have now that unfortunately, them execs are trying shove down our throats.

I guess them execs didn't learn a thing from New Coke but what Coca-Cola was warning us about is to NOT TAMPER WITH A SUCCESFUL BRAND.

Anyway, this is not a rant but rather a Cautionary tale Metaphor post that I wanted to do.

Speaking about Reboots, I heard Kim Possible is coming back...

but only time will tell if Disney follows through with that promise though I read that the MOUSE HOUSE is interested in reviving the early-2000s classic.

And yes, I did watch a few episodes on Gregoria's Shaw Cable Box back in 2003-2005 though I was more interested in RECESS & TEEN TITANS.

And yes, KIM POSSIBLE is still on Disney+ which is tellingly since the MOUSE HOUSE treats their classic shows better than Paramount or Warner Bros. did with their services.

But my hope is that they really do bring back Bob Schooley, Mark McCorkle, and Stephen Silver for the revival because they are the only ones to do the revival justice.

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