Friday, February 14, 2025

Clash of the films released on Valentines Day-Silence of the Lambs vs. Sonic the Hedgehog

After dealing with Computer Problems and having troubleshooted the issues to Power Management, I decided to take a break from Fanart Fridays for the foreseeable weeks until the end of February as I'm going to Fan Expo Vancouver Next week as a volunteer crew member.

So instead, just in time for Valentines Day,


And let's do this Clash post a little differently this time.

Instead of pitting a Character against another character, lets compare two movies released on Valentines Day at the time of their general theatrical release.

Those movies I'm talking about in particular are




Some of these movies motives on being released on Valentines day is a bit misconstrued due to issues like a delayed launch due to a CG Rig's Backlash 

but others probably just because it was unintentional because marketing department just wanted to take advantage of the PRESIDENT'S DAY week of February 1991.

But here's a personal anecdote:

Valentines 2021, I watched on NETFLIX 1991's SILENCE OF THE LAMBS with my mother on her then newly bought PANASONIC Blu-Ray Player with Wi-Fi Built-in.

Sonic on the other hand was susposed to come out on November 2019 but we all know the drama behind the Backlash towards an original CG Rig, it's layoff, and bringing in the better received rig shown below

Sonic is debating how he's going to get Amy Rose to smash them brains out of 
CHIP AND DALE for letting his cousin UGLY SONIC take the spotlight 
in them 2022 Chip and Dale Memes.

Things have changed in the years between the 29 year releases of LAMBS & SONIC but here's a crossover idea that's more befitting a fanfiction:

An interrogation match between Hannibal Lector vs. Dr Robotnik.

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