Monday, February 17, 2025

Family Day 2025-Childhood Photos

Back in April 2024, 

Youtuber Clint Basinger, aka LGR,

uploaded a video dedicated to his very first Digital Camera he owned in his teen hood which was an INTEL POCKET PC CAMERA.

The Camera was susposed to a webcam but it also served it's secondary purpose as an entry level Stand-Alone digital camera when not being used as a Webcam.

The computer he had at the time was a COMPAQ PRESARIO 5000US

The specs weren't that great according to Clint himself.

His PRESARIO's specs were:

AMD DURON 750mhz Spitfire CPU

64MB PC100 SDRAM (He upgraded to a 128MB Module from PNY)

30GB Hard Drive

16MB Nvidia Riva TNT2 Vanta LT Card(Replaced with a 16MB 3dfx Voodoo 3 3000AGP)

& it came with Windows ME before he downgraded to 98SE a year later before upgrading to WINDOWS XP.

Anyway, we're not talking about Computers, or LGR.

What we're talking about is my Childhood and it's FAMILY DAY so that means, I want to share some photos from my Childhood and provide some minor commentary about some of the photos I have.

That's why I mention LGR's Intel Camera because that video on YouTube actually inspired me to look through my photos and share them as well as document everything related to those photos

So for Family Day 2025, here are my selected photos I'll be sharing based on my childhood:

Dad and I playing SUPER MARIO ALL-STARS on our little woodgrain TV.

Walk across Lonsdale Quay with my Late Great-Aunt Tere.
(She passed away in January 2021 to Natural Causes.)

Me on my Vobis Highscreen Sky PC from 2000
with it's original ACER CRT Monitor.

Christmas 2000, I wore my first Construction Helmet....
Nah just kidding. It's a Plastic Helmet meant to compliment a toy construction set.
Here' it's without it's sticker

Some father-son Bonding with Reuben playing with the Purex Box.

One of my Childhood Cats.
This one is Oliver. He was an older cat by the time we got him.

Passing by a girl playing on her viola.
This was when I was at the Grandville Island Marketplace in 2001.


My dad letting my Previous Cat PEACH sleep in front of his Dell Laptop.

PEACH looking somewhat unamused with my Lego 8-Bit Luigi.

Me with my previous Desktop PC:
MDG Horizon 2400.
I apologize for the low lighting in this digital photo.

Aged Six back in 2004, and beside me was my pet Gerbil MONTY.

Another Papa Reuben photo. This time watching TV at a Hotel during our 
January 2002 Vacation to Banff, Alberta

My room in 2006 in my STAR WARS PODRACING Tent.

Yes, that's a date stamp on the bottom right.
This was when I was recognized for Diligence back in Elementary School.

Peach curious about what's inside my mother's Wine Glass back in 2008.

Me when I accompanied my mother to Disney on Ice 
while wearing a Mario Hat and playing on a DSI XL.

Me standing in front of a statue during the June 2011 Stanly Cup Finals.
Little did I know what was to happen that month that us Vancouverites would call
a infamous day in the history of Hockey and that wasn't the first time.

The best 15th Birthday gift back in 2012 was being re-united with my father

December 2017 to January 2018,
My cousin KALED and my Aunt Wendy visited me.

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