I was capturing some DOUG episodes on my
Avermedia Live Gamer Portable 2Plus using RECentral on my AM5 PC as the capturing computer and using my MSI Laptop as the host machine and the CHROME Browser to bypass that stupid HDCP crap.
and while I was checking the MP4 File that I've captured to make sure the image is in perfect high quality 4K/60fps without artifacts or chromatic aberration, I had an epiphany.
Let's compare two athletic dark-skinned female characters and see what makes the two different from each other.
I'm using the original 1993 Patti from the Nick era because Fandom,
and I personally like long haired Patti better.
Yeah, having to compare a former Nicktoon girl with a Japanese girl with Tan skin from a more recent Manga/Anime series is pretty..... I can't find the word I'm looking for.
Anyway, what's similar is to the two is that Patti and Lemon both are dark skinned.
But Patti's skin is due to an acrylic cel paint choice made by Jim Jinkins to allow the character to blend well with the rest of the characters who have literal colors for skin tone.
Lemon on the other hand,
She's Japanese.
And TOO MANY LOSING HEROINES takes place in Toyohashi, Aichi, which is relatively south of Japan.
But my guess is that during one of Lemon's vacations turned opportunities to perfect her exercises and figure, she decided to sunbath with her track suit.
As you can see in the image above, Lemon has tan lines.
I know everyone knows what Lemon looks like with her Tracksuit on but for those who are curious:
Another difference between Patti and Lemon are their choices for Boyfriends.
Throughout the 9 years of the show being on the air via two networks,
Patti has DOUG FUNNIE for a boyfriend.
Despite Doug himself being a so-called ridiculously average, It's made clear that Patti still prefers her ridiculously average Best Friend for an actual boyfriend.
Lemon on the other hand is an interesting case as she has her self-proclaimed boyfriend from Childhood.
That being Mitsuki Ayano.
But when Mitsuki doesn't reciprocate Lemon's feelings,
all while Kazuhiko Nukumizu and Anna Yanami are watching from the sidelines,
Lemon now has only one more choice:
She may not be open about it in either the Light Novel, Manga, or Anime,
But's it's obvious who Lemon now has feelings for.
And unlike Patti, who is Doug's first Love Interest,
Lemon is actually the second Love interest to Nukumizu
Nukumizu's first love interest is actually Anna Yanami
And Nukumizu also has a third love interest as well: Chika Komari.
But some may ask, what about the other girls DOUG as with during his 9 year run on television?
Beebe Bluff doesn't count as while she's kissed Doug, Beebe prefers Skeeter.
While I've seen some people think that a Doug and Connie Pairing is perfectly viable due to the two being both shy, picked on by Roger, etc
which may have exacerbated once Connie lost several pounds and became a hottie,
I'm team
DOUG & PATTI all the way
I'm more mixed on who I ship Nukumizu with though.
The Light Novel, Manga, and Anime have all ended their run so it's left up to us fans, fan artists, etc. to determine who's the emerging Winning Heroine of Makeine.
Yes, I took too long to make this post since it's way past Valentines but that's not the reason why I made this post in the first place.
On a side note, I think I've figured out what causing them IDLE BSODs on my PC:
(Jayztwocents did warn us about that Driver Version though I'm still on my RTX 4080.)
To a point that Nvidia patched it up with the 572.42 Driver Version.
As of now, I've updated my driver version to Version 772.60
And I'm firmly using the Studio Drivers due to being a content creator.
(Please note that them Drivers will change since making this post.)
For those who may be asking, while I have used some Avermedia screenshots of Patti from the Disney era, I did cherry picked my screenshots so that have her with long hair to maintain some consistency with my AMAZON Complete Nickelodeon Series DVD VLC Screenshots because why not.
We all know where to watch DOUG on streaming
but for Makeine, CRUNCHYROLL is the way to go.