Saturday, May 04, 2024


Didn't have a chance to write a post like this last year due to Writer's Block as well as reeling in from the infamous Writers Strike of 2023 but this changes RIGHT THE HECK NOW!!!


Yeah, that's right. I can't shirk off doing this without doing a post about a particular favorite franchise of mine who's got a day dedicated to it.

So to celebrate, here are some photos and drawings to reel in the deal here. And to prove how much of a STAR WARS fan I really am.

Here's my STAR WARS PodRacing Tent I had back in the day

Pay no attention to the red line in the middle, nor the Blueberry iMac G3 to the left.

Here is a photo of me dressed as Anakin Skywalker during his Sith Phase. This photo was from Halloween 2008.

If you look to the left, that was the Computer my family had in 2008. 
An MDG Horizon 2400.

Here's a photo of my Darth Vader Plush I got in 2022

My House keys has BB8 on it.
For obvious reasons, I can't show my house keys so I can only mention this via text.

And of course, Drawings.... with references to the franchise.

Here's Megumi flirting with Hayden wearing an Imperial Stormtrooper mask
Imperial Stormtroopers all the way.

My December 2016 dedication to Carrie Fisher shortly after the unfortunate announcement of Fisher's passing.
To this day, I still get misty-eyed looking at this drawing. 
I know of a friend of mine who's more affected by this than I am.

And here's a drawing dedicated to STAR WARS DAY that I made in 2018 using my own Characters dressed as the Cast of the original Trilogy.
Hayden as Luke Skywalker, Mary as Leia Organa, and Austin as Han Solo

Later colored and composited in 2020.
I went through 3 Filter revisions just for contrast and color variations. 
Also, I wish I had done the lightsaber a little brighter. Oh well.

And to top it off: My most recent purchase:
This 2006 DVD of Star Wars Episode 4 A New Hope

If you find a DVD like this in your local Thrift Store, make sure the disc is of the BONUS DISC variety as that has the original Unaltered version of the film.



and see you next post.

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