Friday, January 24, 2025

Fanart Fridays 03

I've got a pretty neat post about the CAPS Computers Disney had in the 90s as well as a post on Laurel and Hardy and Maya Acting exercises coming up but both of them are still need some work before I'm ready to post them.

That being said, I need to keep this Blog Active, what with my Airport Job and all.

So I give out another healthy addition to my Fanart Fridays Posts that I started this month.

Rules remain the same:

Here are my picks for this Fanart Friday:
Worked better if Lisa Groening is still with Craig Bartlett.

Chucky Finster is not amused that he had to substitute for actor Brad Dourif. 

I actually used this fanart of Historia for a Drawing Class I taught in 2023

Yes, I know it won't 95%  happen but just for once, 
I can imagine a DANDADAN/Spy X Family Crossover
making it's debut on Netflix.

Should have happened in the FAST FOOD MASQUARADE episode but didn't
but man, Pomni displaying a mastery of Burger making would really turn things around for the better.

The three Zelda's
(Skyward Sword, A Link to the Past, & Tears of the Kingdom)
welcome the most recent addition which is from

You really shouldn't have the Gall to insult Jimmy Neutron like that....
especially since Jenny is a fellow Nicktoon too.

Coincidental comparison of Lupin vs. The Bad Guys
according to the fan artist 

Am I lacking in fan art to choose from?

Nah. It's not like that.

They're just all in my iPhone.

I really need to transfer the rest of them into my 18TB Western Digital easystore.

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