Thursday, December 19, 2024

Clash of CEOS-Herb Powell from THE SIMPSONS vs. Jeff Fowler(Really, this post is actually a wakeup call for Hollywood)

These Clash posts are sort of my favorite but I don't do them all the time due to the mental thinking that I go through thinking of what characters to pit against.

But this time, in the wake of the Success of SONIC 3 in theaters,

Let's change gears shall we.

How's about I compare HERB POWELL, Homer Simpson's half-brother, towards Jeff Fowler, director of the Sonic Movies from Paramount Pictures.

Why? Because they are a perfect example of people who...


But compare a fictional character vs. a real life person?

Because I too share the same weakness for Hedgehogs as does former 
Nintendo Power Magazine Editor-in-chief STEVE THOMASON.

First, let's start with HERB from The Simpsons.
Herb Powell was the former owner of THE POWELL MOTORS CAR MANUFACTURING, until his half-brother Homer Simpson showed up at his Detroit Residence back in February 1991.

I suggest you bust out your Season 2 DVDs or Watch the entire episode on DISNEY+ just to get an idea how this turns out without me spoiling the plot....

But what I can spill the beans about Herb is that He represents the Compassionate exec who knows that Listening to people is the only way to build trust in both the company and the product.

But unfortunately for him, his Brain-Dead  Executives don't see EYE-TO-EYE for his vision on car marketing.

Here's the clip of HERB letting loose his frustration against one such idiot Exec for attempting to pitch a car named after PERSEPHONE, THE GODDESS OF SPRING.

I had to split it into multiple parts though.

Here's where Herb's Frustration starts in Part 1:

Now here's where things start to take a turn for the worst for his temper via Part 2:

Herb lets loose his anger at his executives in Part 3:

And finally in part 4, his unapologetic brutal honesty of what he thinks is wrong with executives regardless if it's the early 90s or the mid 2020s.

Now let's take a look at JEFF FOWLER.
This guy is revered because of the most single-handed task he took back in 2019:

By taking the abomination of the original CGI Realistic Sonic:

and reworking the CG Rig and turning him into the one shown below that we know and LOVE:

This is an example of when all the CYBER-BULLYING we levy towards the studios actually pays off when said studio actually LISTENS to us fans when we point out that was shown in the original trailer goes horribly awry and necessitates the much needed change.

I actually remember reading all about the backlash against the original UGLY SONIC rig back in 2019, then I also read about how PARAMOUNT actually listened and went on to rework the rig.

I also read that the retouch delayed the film until Valentines Day 2020 but it was worth the fixup and I'm glad we won the fight against the executives who would be happy to reject FOWLER'S request to rework the film....

Did It sound like I just gaslit WB's EXECUTIVES? HOW DID YOU KNOW?


PARAMOUNT'S EXECUTIVES are 10 times better than WARNER BROS' execs if the backlash and ZASLAV's refusal to allow the same rework on the fallacy known as The MINECRAFT Movie is any indication.

But seriously, PARAMOUNT listening to us and giving us 3 Amazing Sonic Films, with a 4th film coming in 2027, is a huge wakeup call for HOLLYWOOD.

It's time that all the other Executives, whether they be from


should all start taking the all pre-release criticism SERIOUSLY and accept that changes are necessary because if we convinced JEFF FOWLER to force PARAMOUNT to rework SONIC's CG Rig, then we can convince the other studios to follow suit in SONIC's footsteps in actually listening to AUDIENCES for all things CINEMA....

On a semi-related note:
I heard that actor BEN SCHWARTZ's favorite game ironically is not a Sonic Game, nor anything from Sega.

But rather it's CHRONO TRIGGER by SQUARE ENIX for the SNES.

That's actually a pretty nice anecdote......

But anyway, Congratulations to SONIC 3 for topping the Holiday Box office.
I'll be sure to mention the film on my Animation Winners of 2024 post by the end of this month.

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