Friday, September 15, 2023

How to draw books-Informational or haphazards

Construction... We hear that all the time when it comes to art.

And no, I don't mean landscape construction but rather artistic construction.

It's sort of the building blocks of constructing characters not just in shapes but also through weight studies.

But to understand construction, you need to study life-drawing.

Life-Drawing, a class in art school where you draw underwear clad models or inanimate objects, that's very important to understanding the weight of the character's construction and I feel it's more effective in helping you draw cartoon and anime characters than those quote-on-quote HOW TO DRAW books you see in dollar stores or dedicated art stores.

It may seem like I'm discouraging you from buying a HOW TO DRAW book but the reality is, I'm trying to guide you to a proper book or PDF instead of those cheapo, basic shape, construction books.

What I do discourage is the aforementioned cheapo books, or what I call

The Ball Construction book is a term for poorly document character construction based on round objects instead of proper construction guidelines. 

Below is an example of a poorly documented construction of Tom the Cat from 

I used to have one of these books and at the time, I didn't know these were misguided and poorly documented but now that I'm older and wiser, I now understand how much of a haphazard these books can be in terms of character construction.

Now here's a page from one of my current HOW TO DRAW books and you can see this is proper construction.

The book in question is a HOW TO DRAW MANGA type of book which according to the author who wrote it, is meant to be an accurate guide to drawing manga style.

If you're asking where I got this book? I bought it in 2014. 
I was in High School at the time and I was in an art class so I needed this book.

That was when I bought it but where did I buy it?

Well, I live in Vancouver so I bought it at this art store called Michael's. Enough said.

But that's not what this books is all about. Sure, it has a better construction guide than your run off the mill dollar store how to draw book.

It also has things such as character weight

Line weight and thickness

Light sources


Perspective and vanishing points

Just to name a few.

I absolutely would recommend this book for you. 

If you live in the Vancouver, BC area, you can find this in any Michael's or Opus locations where they sell art.

Or just order a copy off of AMAZON.

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