Thursday, November 14, 2024

The Anime-fication of Western Cartoons

I've noticed in the recent years where some existing North American and European Animation I.P are getting this treatment where the art remains the same but the animation looks more ANIME like then ever before.

It depends whether you're inspired by or or the production is indeed from Japan....

Normally, when I see fanart of Western Cartoons, I see people redesign the characters to look like they've actually come from an anime....

This is prevalent because when we are young and restless, we need something that's considered


in the presentation.

And considering mid to late millennials as well as a majority of Gen-Z grew up watching Anime that were localized by various companies and broadcast on Cartoon Network most of the time,

most of my generation considered these Japanese Cartoons SUPERIOR to the Western Animated fare that we have at home Stateside.

It's not helped that even with the proliferation of adult animated shows like THE SIMPSONS, FAMILY GUY, FUTURAMA, SOUTH PARK, etc.

the age old belief that Cartoons are for Children still lingers on some people's mind...

as well as some executives who control said I.P no matter what,

So the fact that the Japanese let the Medium grow with more MATURE ADULT-ORIENTED works without letting the Moral Guardians get in the way made a lot of people move towards the more COOLER anime than what we get here in the STATES.

And once the Animation Studios started allowing more 2D Fare into Television, then came the CALARTS STYLE Mandates that no one liked but them showrunners refused to listen to our complaints.

So that caused a Migration of Viewers away from the shows that permeated the 2010s in favor of the more Superior JAPANESE Work.

I guess several years later, the studios weren't buying it with this mass migration of viewers so they devised a solution:


Now this is nothing new.

It was already done to death with shows from the past but for now, let's use 

AVATAR THE LAST AIRBENDER because that's an example of a WESTERN CARTOON that uses ANIME LOGIC for both ANIMATION and ACTING.

I remember attending this After-School care program at the RAYCAM Community Centre from 2005 until 2011 and one of their programs had this BIG Silver Painted Rear-Projection TV where we could watch shows on YTV.

And AVATAR was one of those Broadcasted Shows on TV.

It truly was a Golden Age of Imitating the Japanese just to win back the crowd.

Too bad a Combination of the 2008 Great Recession as well as 

LEGEND OF KORRA driving away older fans

caused Executives to not want to borrow a page from AVATAR AANG until the start of the 2020s.....

So that's when I started to see shows like 


Really take off and show that if you borrow a page from the Japanese as well as AVATAR AANG, you can achieve great success....

and piss of the CALARTS-LOVING executives too...

The funny thing is that MY ADVENTURES WITH SUPERMAN was originally susposed to be marketed for Pre-Adolescent Viewers but an issue with Marketing made the series wound up find a home on ADULT SWIM despite the show lacking anything remotely TV-MA warranted.

MY ADVENTURES WITH SUPERMAN is a hit and ADULT SWIM was a blessing for the show and continues to have a huge following to this day.

Then this prompted other studios to borrow their Homework out of both AVATAR and SUPERMAN.... 


Yes, RAYMAN is French but he just looks so good when he gets the Anime Treatment 
and yet he still retains his design


which I did a post last year

is one of the few times an actual NORTH AMERICAN I.P is given the treatment by an actual Japanese Studio but this time, the original author of the comics BRYAN LEE O'MALLEY was actually involved with the creation of the series.


is another show that is based on an existing I.P where it's gotten the Anime Treatment but the characters retain the art style of the host show.

But from what I can gather, the show's having a rough time finding it's audience.

My guess is the declining reception of the host series in the wake of Justin Roiland's allegations and firing from ADULT SWIM....

We'll see...

And for you J.K Simmons fans out there, 

No I did not forget INVINCIBLE.

Otherwise, OMNI-MAN would never let me live it down...

Is my research and anecdotes worth it?

Or are we going to assume that artists like BRENNI MURASAKI still do a better job at redesigning WESTERN CHARACTERS in the ANIME Aesthetic than the executives can do?

Hesitant to use the Teen Titans example since the 2003 series already has sort of the aesthetic 
but this is the best Fanart I currently have.

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